A practice group of Bunde Gillotti Mulroy & Shultz., P.C.


"Discourage litigation.  Persuade your neighbor to compromise whenever you can.  As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man.  There will still be business enough."

-Abraham Lincoln

more ways than one...

Traditional litigation is no longer the only path to resolution. Today there exists many resolution options for clients. The Alternative Group's mission is to provide clients and attorneys exceptional service and results in the various methods of alternative dispute resolution.


mediation, arbitration and more...

The Alternative Group provides facilitative mediation services for both civil and divorce cases. Group members also serve as arbitrators in cases and discovery matters. Other services available for cases in the area of family law are early neutral evaluation, and collaborative law.


consulting, system design, and training...

In addition, The Alternative Group offers consulting services to businesses that are struggling with conflict or that want to design an in-house conflict management system. The Alternative Group also provides mediation and dispute resolution workshops and trainings services to individuals and organizations.

elevated thinking for smarter solutions...

PITTSBURGH (Headquarters)

Suite 500 Benedum-Trees Building

223 4th Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

(412) 391-7733


27 N Wacker Drive, Suite 403

Chicago, IL 60606

(312) 267-2920, press 1

To explore our other non-legal conflict resolution and organizational development services, please visit our affiliate CoralBridge Partners.